
Travel through time with Fr. Marie-Eugène!

This route is à la carte. After clicking on the below image (it will open a new window) :

  • either you let yourself be led through the different events : they pass automatically in front of your eyes.
  • either you stop the automatic scrolling by positioning the mouse cursor into the dial. If you leave the dial, 
    For more display options, go to the bottom of the page
     it resumes scrolling.
  • or you let the mouse cursor glide on the time line (at the bottom of the screen) and/or you click on an event of your own choice.


Have a good journey !


Choose your own display parameters for a personal reading :

2D In the lower left corner of the screen, the button “2d” enables you to switch from 3D to 2D and vice versa.
Clef In the right left corner of the screen, the button « clef mécanique » (mechanical key) enables you to choose which categories you want to be displayed, which type of visualization, or to decrease or to increase the zoom.