Notre-Dame de Vie et Carmel

Carmel’s cross and NDV initials : Notre Dame de Vie, Our Lady of Life

The institute of Notre Dame de Vie belongs to the Carmelite family which has its origins in the desert and finds a model in the biblical character of the prophet Elijah.

We are not claiming to trace the whole of Carmelite history here, nor to give an exhaustive presentation of its spirituality and major spiritual figures.


In what way is Notre Dame de Vie Carmelite ?

Fr Marie-Eugene drew his inspiration for founding the institute of Notre Dame de Vie by learning from the prophet Elijah. The Institute wants to be a branch of the Carmelite family and receive its spirit, the spirit of St Teresa, St John of the Cross and St Thérèse of the Child Jesus. These Carmelite saints are sure guides and concrete examples for all those who want to live of this spirit in their daily lives.