« There are everywhere people who are seeking God. Ah ! If I could reach them all and tell them about God’s infinite love ! »
This heart-cry of Fr. Marie-Eugène is probably ours too. Ah ! If I could reach so many of those around me who are still unaware of Him who fulfills my life ! But how can we be apostles today ? How can we face so many challenges ? These questions haunted Fr. Marie-Eugène as they do us. The answers came progressively.
You are concerned about those you want to reach. First turn to Him who sends you to them. Begin by seeking the Holy Spirit ! Become His friend, create a constant intimacy with Him ! Realize that you cannot do anything without Him ! Place yourself under His light ! Wasn’t Christ himself led by the Spirit of God, as he walked on the roads of humanity ?
It is a mysterious radiation of God’s friends, a goodness obtained from Him, which bears witness far more of what is essential. « You convert people far better through what you are than through what you do or say. You have to act, to speak, but above all you have to be. » The Holy Spirit will strengthen our generosity, He will stimulate our missionary creativity, He will lead us where we did not think of going.